A Single Voice for Scotland's Towns

Scotland's Towns Partnership is Scotland’s largest towns’ collective; representing and promoting the diversity of our towns and places, and supporting those organisations and groups that have an interest in or ownership of them.

Our role is to act as a hub for relevant News & Resources, knowledge and good practice; to support learning and Community through our events; to influence and share policies that impact towns; and to raise the profile of Scottish towns — which we do principally through our Scotland's Towns Week campaign which encourages towns to run activities and the public to use their local services.

Prostate Cancer UK is our chosen charity in 2018-19, supporting the theme of Healthy Towns. You can read more about how to help stop prostate cancer being a killer in Scotland and get involved here

STP is for all those who support our towns — Join Today »

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Designed to support communities, public, private and third sectors, to work efficiently together, the Place Standard provides a framework to assess the quality of a place.


Understanding Scottish Places is a website to help towns practitioners and communities better understand the function of the towns they live and work in.  The platform primarily functions as a diagnostic tool, and beyond that offers the opportunity to compare and contrast data about places across the country.


The Town Centre Toolkit contains ideas and examples of how people and organisations can make their town centre more attractive, more active, and more accessible. Created by the Scottish Government, it is a valuable asset for towns practitioners and interest groups alike.


STP’s Funding Finder is the go-to place to source potential funding. The Funding Finder provides easy to read information on current funding streams, highlighting where new funds have been announced and where application deadlines are looming. 

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