2016 - 2017
'Devolution: Beyond the rhetoric’ is a six-point think piece that challenges the Government narrative on devolution. It explores...
This CLES Bulletin details CLES’ thoughts on the 2016 Budget....
2015 - 2016
This CLES bulletin does three things. Firstly it summarises the content of the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill; second...
This bulletin will discuss the implications of the Conservative proposals outlined in the Queen’s speech and general election ma...
The bulletin summarises the key sections and themes of all party manifestos relevant to local socio-economic growth, and indicate ...
This CLES bulletin does three things. First, it details announcements in the 2015 budget which relate to economic development and ...
2014 - 2015
This bulletin seeks to explore this debate of infrastructure development versus cuts in more detail and highlight what was in the ...
2013 - 2014
This bulletin reviews the progress made by the community budget pilot areas so far and asks what the challenges will be as more lo...
This year’s CLES Summit was held on 27th June at the King’s House Conference Centre in Manchester. A lively day of presentatio...
The welfare reforms constitute the biggest shake up of the UK’s welfare system in over fifty years and consequently are expected...
In this bulletin we seek to look at and critique the key elements of the 2013 budget in relation to economic development and local...
This Bulletin will explore the emerging national level policy context around public health and local government; what local govern...
This Bulletin seeks to identify how local authorities in England are responding to the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012, pa...
2012 - 2013
This Bulletin provides a commentary upon the Coalition’s approach to economic growth and recovery, in light of the Autumn Statem...
This Bulletin provides an overview and analysis of the City Deals signed to date and provides CLES’ thoughts on the future direc...
Relationships need to be between the centre and local when it comes to place making and determining who needs to play a role at th...
The overarching theme of the Budget was to ‘reward hard work and promote growth’ but how successful was George Osbourne in ach...
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