Update on UK practice from the Community Wealth Building Centre of Excellence

Plenary session: 2.30pm

Community wealth building has a rich history and a bright future in both the international and domestic contexts.

It has been, as they say, a year of two halves. Even before the onset of the pandemic, local, regional and national governments across the UK were embracing community wealth building as an approach to build fairer, more resilient and sustainable local economies. Covid-19 has exposed even further the vulnerabilities and fundamental flaws in our economy, not least regarding work and supply chains. In this summary of practice from across the UK from the last 12 months we will discuss the role that community wealth building has played in our places, and the outlook for recovery through local economic reform.

You will leave this session feeling energised by some inspirational highlights of practice across the UK, excited by the growth of the movement over the last 12 months and raring to join our afternoon breakout sessions where we will explore some community wealth building places in more depth.


TBC (CLES CoE lead)

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