Manchester Panel: UK Election 2017

The Portico Library & Gallery, 57 Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3HY

Following Theresa May’s sudden announcement, The Portico Library has assembled a panel of key political commentators to discuss the general election and the recent Greater Manchester mayoral election from various perspectives in terms of its resonance and potential impact on Manchester in particular.


  • Professor Francesca Gains: Professor of Public Policy and Head of Politics at the University of Manchester.
  • Neil McInroy: Chief Executive of CLES (Centre for Local Economic Strategies).
  • Clare Devaney: Founder and Director of Citizen-i Ltd, a platform for citizen-led innovation, impact and participatory research based in Manchester, UK.
  • Dr Andrew Mycock: Reader in Politics at The University of Huddersfield.

To begin, each panellist will take the floor for 5 minutes. The debate will be stimulated by drawing on the themes and issues articulated by panellists and encouraging opportunities for dialogue between the panellists and the audience.

This event is free and supported by The Political Studies Association.

Register via Eventbrite.