Community Wealth Building in East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (ELHT) have adopted an anchor mission to use their power in the economy to create a more progressive local labour market and develop affordable housing for workers.


Community Wealth Building in ELHT

Targeted pre-employment for “hard to reach” individuals

ELHT work closely with the Prince’s Trust and Job Centre Plus to provide pre-employment training for those furthest from the job market – such as the long term unemployed, homeless residents, people who have been struggling with drugs and alcohol and people with learning disabilities. Pre-employment training is then linked to job opportunities within their hospital sites.

Jobs pipeline from local colleges to hospital sites

The Trust works with local colleges in order to create a pipeline from local communities into jobs within its various sites. They provide representatives to sit on college boards and have dedicated staff members responsible for maintaining links and for publicising the range of careers and apprenticeships that the Trust has to offer.

Developing affordable housing for key workers

ELHT are currently involved in two projects to develop affordable housing – on their own land, working in partnership with a local housing association to provide affordable housing and accommodation for key workers. They are also working with Burnley Council, who are developing a piece of their land to for the same ends.

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