Owning the future

20th April 2020.

This paper has been jointly authored by The Democracy Collaborative (TDC) and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES).

You can read a summary of the arguments found in this paper here →

The Covid-19 pandemic has caught the United Kingdom woefully underprepared. We face a major public and economic event of historical importance, potentially unprecedented in its magnitude in peacetime. In the face of this, community wealth building policy and practice must shift to meet the scale of the crisis, rapidly building a new institutional power base for a new politics of community control from the ground up.

In part one of this paper, we will lay out the likely impact of Covid-19 on the economic landscape which community wealth building must now serve. In part two, we will begin to sketch out the contours of a new era of community wealth building.

In keeping with our think-do approach to building more just local economies, this paper is accompanied by a practical guide for local leaders on steps they can take now as they begin to feel their way towards recovery from the Covid-19 crisis. Learn more →