Community Wealth Building Summit 2019: Programme

This event has now sold out. We hope to be able to release more places soon so please add your name to the waiting list here.
The Summit is the UK’s only community wealth building event dedicated to celebrating successes, sharing ideas, exploring challenges and advancing the community wealth building movement. You can view a list of contributors to this year’s summit here.
Welcome from Cllr Janette Williamson, Deputy Leader of Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council
Keynote address: Steve Rotheram, Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region
CLES: What is community wealth building, the state of the movement and what we’re doing here today
Launch of the Community Wealth Building Centre of Excellence: Rebecca Long-Bailey, MP
Breakout: sector workshops
Many sectors and anchor institutions across the UK are delivering community wealth building. These workshops, facilitated by CLES, will showcase the cutting edge of practice within key anchors, but also address the challenges in building their role in the movement.
- Local government
- Health
- Universities
- Housing
- Community
Keynote address: Oriol Estela Barnet, Director, PEMB Barcelona
The community wealth building approach is framed by other movements around the world, including new municipalism, as practiced by Barcelona en Comú. Our guest speaker heads PEMB Barcelona, the organisation tasked with developing the strategic plan (social and economic) for Metropolitan Barcelona. They have an activist approach to the market, making it bend to the diversity and plural social realities of the metropolitan area.
Question time: exploring a new economic movement
Five leading thinkers and doers, ready to give their three minutes on how we build wealth for all and take your questions.
Breakout: principles of community wealth building panel sessions
Five principles underpin community wealth building. These panel sessions will explore aspects of these principles by bringing together practitioners and experts. Collectively, they will unpick the principles and the challenges faced in advancing them.
- Plural ownership of the economy
- Making financial power work for local places
- Fair employment and just labour markets
- Progressive procurement of goods and services
- Socially productive use of land and property
Closing session: go back and build!
A celebration of all we have learned and done on the day – where we will ask you to stand up and tell us what you will be taking back to your locality to continue the community wealth building movement.