Community Wealth Building Workshop

Co-operative College, Manchester, M60 0AS

The Stir to Action Workshop delivered by CLES will focus on how historical and contemporary approaches to economic development, such as inward investment, have not always brought the benefits they should in economic, social and environmental terms.

Community Wealth Building recognises that places do not necessarily need to attract new wealth to grow economically and socially – instead they need to harness existing wealth which comes through amongst other things: their anchor institutions; their procurement spend; their complementary currencies; their banking practices; and their community businesses. Harnessing this wealth more effectively will bring economic, social, and environmental benefits for their communities.

The Workshop

  • We’ll define what is meant by Community Wealth Building and why it’s important.
  • Explore Community Wealth Building strategies.
  • Look at case studies from CLES’ work around Community Wealth Building and its impact.
  • Discuss how Community Wealth Building can be applied to the participant’s organisations and communities.

Who is it for?

Elected representatives, policy-makers, co-operatives, social enterprises, and the voluntary and community sector.

Find out more and book here.