Economic Stewardship: Creating local economies that benefit local people
16 April 2013
GM Fire Training Centre, Manchester
Our local economies face a unique and unprecedented context. Furthermore, new structures such as Local Enterprise Partnerships are giving an increasing role on the economic development of local areas. This session will explore and examine local economies and the role that councillors are and should play, ensuring effective economic stewardship.
This session asks:
What is my role as an elected leader in ensuring we can create a good economy which benefits local people and my area?
About the series
Full details about this series of events including prices can be found in this brochure: Community Leadership Programme Brochure
North West Employers has come together with the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) to develop and deliver this new and thought provoking councillor development series to help you to be up to date with the latest thinking and practice in community leadership.
We are really excited about this series and the opportunities it will give councillors to learn and discover how they can shape their own community leader role to achieve the best outcomes for local people. This is vital given the fast moving pace of policy agenda, the on-going financial pressures and the radical changes taking place in Local Government.
The community leadership series has a total of 7 different sessions for delegates to attend. Each session will also be accompanied by a quick guide to the topic which will give a no nonsense overview and sign-post you to further information.
The sessions will be a stimulating balance between presentations, question and answer, and specially designed workshop exercises. We have purposefully designed the series to challenge your thinking and our presenters will pose questions designed to stimulate a debate. The workshop exercises are designed to provide a deep understanding of the changing community leadership role and expected capabilities of councillors.
You can choose to attend the full series or mix and match the topics to suit your interests. We would recommend attending session one which will give an overview to community leadership and then put the series into context.
Who Should Attend?
These courses are aimed at all councillors who are interested in finding out more about the public reform agendas and developing the community leadership skills.
To book your place or for more information:
T: 0161 214 7106