Equalities and Welfare Reform Launch
26th April, 10am-1 pm
Cornerhouse, 70 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 5NH
It is easy to overlook the fact that the Government’s welfare reforms has huge implications for equalities. The protection afforded by equalities legislation has been steadily eroded since 2011 and regulation appears to be something of a distant memory!
How are housing providers ensuring that welfare reform implementation is not undermining the wider equalities agenda?
The Housing Diversity Network (HDN) and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) have been exploring with housing providers the equalities impact of the Government’s welfare reforms. We will share key research findings and hear from front-line practitioners on how they are implementing welfare reform whilst still ensuring that equalities is not undermined.
To offer a political viewpoint upon our findings and the wider welfare reform agenda, we are delighted that Kate Green MP, the shadow spokesperson for equalities will speak at the event. Kate will provide a perspective upon the current government’s policy around equalities and how practice might change and be reinvigorated upon Labour returning to power.
To book your place, please contact info@housingdiversitynetwork.co.uk or call our office for more information 0870 143 2732.
Places will be charged £60 plus VAT per head.
Includes a light lunch and refreshments
The Housing Diversity Network is a not for profit organisation specialising in equality and diversity for the social housing sector.