
5th March 2013, Manchester 

This popular CLES training course is designed to provide an introduction to evaluation and has been designed specifically for delegates with little or no experience of undertaking project or programme evaluation.

The course draws upon the practical experience of CLES Consulting in undertaking evaluations across the UK, and is designed to be interactive and practical. The course guides delegates through the four stage CLES evaluation framework providing clear definitions of the concepts used and guidance on methodologies. It also provides delegates with the opportunity to strengthen their own research skills and explore some of the challenges of evaluation.

Topics covered include:

  • evaluation – what? why? when? who?
  • evaluation frameworks
  • CLES  framework
  • getting started – finding out about the project
  • doing the evaluation – approach,  key lines of enquiry and research methods
  • writing and disseminating your report, action planning
    • prioritising evaluation
    • evaluation cycle 

Course fee

£200 plus VAT: £105 plus VAT for charity, voluntary sector organisations.

CLES members can use event days to book this course or receive a 20% discount on the above fees. 

Course fees include detailed reference materials, refreshments and buffet lunch.


9.30am registration and refreshments for 10am start. Course ends at 4pm.