Community wealth building introduction

Introduction to community wealth building is a half-day training course for people wanting to learn about the theory and practice behind community wealth building, and how they can get involved in the growing movement.

Book now for the following dates:

  • Thursday 29th August 2019- book
  • Friday 30 August 2019- book

This session costs £100 including VAT.

The training will focus on four main themes:

1. Introduction: What is community wealth building and why is it important?

2. Theory: What are the strategies to harness and democratise community wealth?

3. Practice: Where has it worked and what has its impact been?

4. Action: How can attendees apply community wealth building strategies within their own organisations and communities?

Who’s it for?

The introductory training course is for anyone who recognise that the economy is failing to work for everyone and is looking for a new approach to local economic development.

We particularly encourage elected representatives, policy-makers, and members of co-operatives, social enterprises, and the voluntary and community sector to attend.

Bespoke training

CLES can offer bespoke training for your organisation, dependent on the needs of your staff or clients. Get in touch for more information.

Why attend?

Community wealth building has been proven to bring real benefits to local people and places, as exemplified by the success of the Preston Model. A growing number of towns and cities across the UK are adopting this new approach, and this course provides an introduction for those looking to do the same.

As you may have experienced, traditional economic development strategies, such as those aimed at attracting inward investment, rarely bring the economic, social and environmental benefits anticipated.

This course will demonstrate how places can harness existing wealth to strengthen local economies, and will explore the roles of anchor institutions; complementary currencies; banking practices; and community businesses.

Attend this course if you want to find out more about joining a growing movement of community wealth building who are succeeding in finding new ways to realise economic, social, and environmental benefits in their local communities.


This session will be led by one of the following CLES team members, who each bring first hand knowledge and experience of developing and implementing community wealth building strategies in UK towns and cities.