LEPs: Assessing your economy as a platform for jobs and growth

Local Enterprise Partnerships need to undertake activity with the best possible evidence. Existing Local Economic Assessments need to be mined and utilised for the purpose of achieving growth and jobs targets. This event, part of the combined CLES, IPPR north and NLGN’s Enterprise Partnerships Forum, seeks to highlight, via presentations, case studies, and through practical tools, how good evidence is the backbone to making your LEP a success. The event will give you essential insight on the evidence platform to achieving jobs and growth

There is no charge to attend this event but places are limited – book by email to lynstacey@cles.org.uk


9.30 Registration

9:45 Welcome and introduction from Chair

Neil McInroy, Chief Executive, CLES

10:00 LEPs to date and the importance of evidence base

Andrew Field Deputy Director, Local Policy and Delivery , BIS

10.30 What the evidence is telling us about what we need to do: 3 LEP case studies

11:30 Key tools and methods of assessment to inform the work of your LEP

– Procurement and multiplier modelling

– Using Local Economic Assessments for LEPs

Rupert Greenhalgh, Senior Consultant, CLES

Matthew Jackson, Head of Research, CLES

12:30 Summary and next steps

Neil McInroy, Chief Executive, CLES

12:45 Lunch

Venue Map