Scotland’s Place Leadership Summit
BT Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh, EH12 5PJ
Scotland’s Towns Partnership and Corra Foundation, supported by Scottish Government and a range of cross sector partners, are co-producing the inaugural Scotland’s Place Leadership Summit.
The Summit will launch the ‘Place Principle’ for adoption across Scottish Government, local government, and public, private and third sector and community partnerships. Highlights include, Ministerial Address; inspirational leader views; good practice sessions showcasing how strong leadership and cross sector collaboration is maximising economic and social impact in place; high level networking; and signposting to relevant supports and services.
This will be a dynamic, engaging event, bringing together Scotland’s place leaders from national, regional and local levels across sectors together for one day to:
Galvanise commitment to the Place Principle and collective leadership for place-based work in Scotland as a means of achieving inclusive growth and regeneration. Demonstrate how place based approaches are happening in our local neighbourhoods, communities, towns, cities and regions; and, how leaders can drive and support this approach going forward to make a difference in their areas. Share the vision and case studies that illustrate towns and improvement districts as key partnership delivery mechanisms for place-based working. Share experiences, achievements and work in progress with leaders to identify what works and what more is needed to embed this approach and maximise impact. Motivate, inspire and lay the ground work for continued collaboration for place-based working in Scotland. Signpost useful resources and support for place-based working, in relation to the policy landscape, funding, measurement and networks.
Neil McInroy, CLES CEO is speaking in a Good Practice Session. These feature real-time exemplars of strong leadership and cross sector collaboration; maximising economic and social impact in a place. The session, in collaboration with Ted Howard of Democracy Collaborative will focus on, ‘Local Wealth Building: Delivering Inclusive Economies’.
Find out more details here