Smart towns 2013

Monday 23rd- Tuesday 24th September

Dean Clough Mill, Halifax

How will you apply SMART CITY THINKING to your town or small city, despite cuts in budget?

How will you use technology to support economic growth?

SMART TOWNS 2013 (#smarttowns) is the first event to look at what urban areas outside of the core cities can learn from the global ‘SMART CITIES’ movement.  Make your town more inclusive, connected and resilient.

Smart Towns 2013 is a world-first; an essential date for all town professionals involved in strategic planning or development.

Join IBM, FutureGov, PHILIPS, CLES, Cisco, i-Network and local government pioneers.

Tickets now on sale. Only 100 available- Book your ticket now!

More information about this event can be found at

Smart Towns 2013 is a RedLab event. You can contact the producer of Smart Towns, Alistair Johnston by email at or by twitter @RedlabHX