Supporters’ network

We bring together networks of community wealth builders to cultivate connections and grow a thriving movement with collaboration at its heart.

Community wealth building is gaining momentum in towns and cities in the UK. It has been spearheaded by those who see the failings of our current economic development model and have developed a new, democratic and socially just way of doing things.

Who can become a supporter?

Anyone can be a member of the supporters’ network. This movement is comprised of citizens, as well as organisations from the public, social and solidarity and private sectors.

Why join?

By becoming a Community Wealth Building Centre of Excellence supporter, you’ll be joining a movement of progressive, passionate and practice orientated people bringing about lasting transformative change in local economic practice. You will be able to stay on top of latest activities and contribute to future developments.

What do I get?

  • Regular updates on the latest developments in community wealth building practice
  • Invitations to participate in networking events
  • Access to case studies and interviews with community wealth builders

What do I have to do?

We hope that joining the network will encourage you to build community wealth in your area, collaborate with us and other members of the network to develop best practice and share your experience to inspire others.

Become a supporter of the Community Wealth Building Centre of Excellence

Sign up. It’s free.