Associate Director Jenny Rouse to leave CLES

In January, Associate Director Jenny Rouse, who joined the CLES team in September 2014, will be leaving the organisation.

Jenny will be starting a new role at the Big Lottery as Head of Regional Funding for the North West, overseeing the soon-to be-devolved funding budget for the region.

Jenny said:

“My time at CLES has been rewarding, fun and I have learnt a massive amount. It has been great to work with such a wide network of people committed to positive change for the benefit of all regions in the UK, and the citizens that live in them.

I am very sad to be leaving CLES, but really look forward to applying what I have learnt to my new role, joining the Big Lottery as it embarks on an exciting new phase, and bringing its team closer to the people and organisations that make a difference in their communities.”

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