Partnership and innovation in public sector procurement across Europe

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This week CLES attended a big public buyers meeting in Brussels, organised by the European Commission’s DG Grow in collaboration with Eurocities.

The delegates and speakers were representatives of public buyers from large and capital cities from across the EU and the event highlighted learning from various projects, including:

  • A feasibility study of Joint cross border public procurement between member states;
  • Collaboration between buyers and start-ups for public procurement of innovation through the Startup in Residence programme from Amsterdam; and
  • The potential for digital transformation, as highlighted by the Sharing Cities Programme.

As well as an exchange of best practice, the event aimed to foster partnership working between municipalities in different member states, and to show that procurement can move beyond the accepted norms and become a more progressive and strategic function.

The intention is to hold further meetings, and interested parties can register their interest by contacting either of the organisers.