Third Sector Grants Programme in Salford found to have significant positive impact

The Salford Third Sector Fund Grants Programme is a two year partnership between Salford CVS and Salford CCG. Over the course of the last two years, the programme has provided grant funding to a range of voluntary and community sector organisations and schools in Salford to support activities around health and well-being.
A recent independent evaluation of the programme, undertaken by CLES and partners Voluntary Sector North West, has revealed a significant positive impact, valued at over £11.4m. This is more than seven times the £1.6m awarded by NHS Salford CCG and Salford CVS in grants to 158 Salford voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises plus a consortium of 84 VCSE organisation, during 2014/15 and 2015/16. In addition, 69 Salford Primary Schools have also received funding, as have 13 partnerships between Salford schools and VCSE organisations.
NHS Salford CCG has agreed to continue funding the programme for the next three years, which equates to £3million in total. The evaluation has assisted in Salford CVS securing this funding.
To view the summary of the Salford Third Sector Fund Grants Programme, click here.
To view the full evaluation of the Salford Third Sector Fund Grants Programme, click here.