Better quality jobs

31st January 2014.

The Government’s welfare reform seeks to make work pay by moving more people into paid employment. Whilst important, this much critiqued reform is not proven in terms of moving the workless from benefits and into work.  This CLES 10 puts the quality of employment under the spotlight and suggests ten important ways of creating more and better jobs for people who need them most.

At CLES, we passionately believe that cross sector working is essential for creating solutions to problems. Low quality work affects all areas of social and economic life. The ten ways outlined in this publication, to better quality jobs, identify opportunities for cross-sector working, using local level partnerships to develop new ways of creating jobs and supporting people into them.  These are only a number of possible holistic approaches to improving the quality of employment. They all reflect the need to address barriers to work and to build a sustainable economy which provides quality employment for all.