B43: London 2012: the story so far

13th October 2006.

In July 2005 after a period of consultation, masterplanning and competition London was awarded the right to host the 2012 Olympic Games. As well as offering the opportunity to host a world class sporting event and receive the associated spin off benefits in terms of media profile and tourism, the Games also presents the opportunity for positive physical, economic, social and environmental regeneration and enhanced partnership activity. It is this area of regeneration and partnership activity that this bulletin will focus upon. The purpose of this bulletin is four-fold:

  • First, it aims to look at some of the generic potential physical, economic, social and environmental regeneration benefits of London hosting the 2012 Olympic Games;
  • Second, it aims to highlight progress to date in Olympic Games activity in London;
  • Third, it aims to assess some of the partnership and networking activity that is beginning to emerge as a result of the Olympic Games;
  • Fourth, it aims to conclude by assessing what more could be done to ensure that the London 2012 Olympic Games bring maximum benefit in regeneration and partnership terms.