B17: Market Renewal Pathfinders

21st December 2003.

Low demand and abandoned housing in the Midlands and North of England has long been recognised an acute problem. The ODPM identified around 1 million homes, affected by low demand and abandonment, spread across over 120 local authorities in the North and Midlands. In response to this, the ODPM set up nine market renewal pathfinders covering areas among the most deprived in the country and with the most acute low demand problems. The pathfinders are made up of partnerships of local authorities and other key stakeholders.

This is an innovative new approach and offers a fresh technique in tackling the problems of low demand. It involves adopting a strategic approach to ensure effective partnership engaging a range of local government departments and other stakeholders.

This Bulletin features a number of articles from the housing and regeneration press, which take a case study approach, focusing on the developments of particular pathfinders.  Interestingly, they reflect the common issues and individual nuances.