B39: Regeneration in Coastal Towns

28th February 2006.

In December 2005 the ODPM select committee announced an inquiry to examine the case for special initiatives to address the needs of coastal towns. The enquiry will consider the effectiveness with which the Government and indeed the ODPM are addressing the social, housing and environmental problems facing coastal towns.  It will evaluate where the programmes being undertaken in coastal areas are effective, well focused and adequately funded and examine whether there is a case for more specific regional initiatives. In light of the inquiry and the need to ensure that benefits of regeneration are extended to coastal towns and the growing interest in skills for regeneration, this bulletin seeks to: 

  • Examine the challenges facing coastal areas, in terms of economic disparities, employment related challenges, social issues and environmental concerns.
  • Consider the policy responses, past and present and why coastal areas seem, largely, to have fallen through the net;
  • Frame the needs of coastal towns within the new localism agenda;
  • Look at the skills deficit that exists around coastal regeneration; 

By way of a conclusion, this bulletin will offer potential routes forward for our coastal communities and those that manage them.