RR11: The Working Neighbourhoods Fund, Neighbourhood Renewal and the third sector: The implications of the focus on worklessness.

26th February 2008.

In November 2007, as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review, the Government made a commitment to changing the focus of the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit. From the end of March 2008, programmes such as the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund and the Safer Stronger Communities Fund will no longer continue in their current forms, but will be part of a new approach to regeneration focusing on economic development and enterprise in the most deprived areas.

In this Rapid Research we seek to explore the impact of the changes on community and neighbourhood regeneration. In particular, we are interested in the impact the changes will have on deprived communities and also on third sector organisations working in these deprived communities. To do this we also sought to explore the impact of the changes on local neighbourhood renewal partnerships and their service commissioning and delivery processes as well as on third sector bodies.