B45: The challenges and opportunities presented to the social housing sector by new forms of governance proposed in the Local Government White Paper

8th December 2006.

Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) have valuable ties with local communities and are experienced in delivering services at the neighbhourhood level. They are also key players in the Government’s Sustainable Communities agenda (ODPM 2003). The Local Government White Paper has, however, largely overlooked the potential of the social housing sector to help meet its aspirations for improved governance and empowerment of local communities. As the sector is subject to review at present and the White Paper’s proposals are not directional, this raises a number of questions as to how housing associations and other RSLs can have input into new governance arrangements that are proposed. This Bulletin explores some of the challenges and potential opportunities that are presented by the White Paper, Strong and Prosperous Communities, and suggests ways in which the sector could respond.