B60: The Regeneration Framework

1st August 2008.

Published on the 17th July 2008, ‘Transforming Places, Changing Lives: a framework fro regeneration’ sets out the Government’s proposals – for consultation – that aim to shape the way that regeneration is carried out in the future.

The publication of the Regeneration Framework follows recommendations in the Review of sub-national economic development and regeneration for a consistent framework to help improve prioritisation and co-ordination and to tighten the focus of investment on barriers to economic growth and economic inclusion.

In light of this, a key theme that runs throughout the framework is the ‘renewed focus on ensuring that regeneration tackles the underlying economic challenges to increase social mobility’. This Regeneration Framework has been produced in order to ‘transform the lives of people in the most deprived areas’. Despite strong national and regional economic performance in recent years, there remain significant regional disparities and relatively high income inequalities. As such, the aim of the Regeneration Framework is to promote economic inclusion and significantly, the Framework emphasises the Government’s view that economic development ought to be the driver of regeneration activity.

This bulletin seeks to summarise and analyse the framework by:

  • outlining how regeneration is defined in the Framework;
  • assessing why regeneration is important and the core drivers of the Regeneration Framework;
  • setting out the key proposals contained in the Framework;
  • considering who should be involved in regeneration activity.