Employment charters
Adopting Good Employment Charters helps to provide focus for employers in providing good quality local jobs.
As they tend to be co-produced by leaders in a community, Good Employment Charters can be tailored to solve local economic problems. Specific requirements can include: secure work; flexible working; paying the Real Living Wage; workplace engagement and employee voice; progressive recruitment practices and progression opportunities; excellent people management; and a productive and healthy workplace.
Anchors can support the roll out of good employment charters by incorporating them into procurement processes.
Case study – Greater Manchester Combined Authority Good Employment Charter
Leaders from across Greater Manchester have created a Good Employment Charter – a voluntary membership and assessment scheme – to encourage and support employers to identify and provide good jobs, deliver opportunities for people to progress and develop, and help the city region become more productive.
The Employment Charter and Framework will encourage all businesses who sign up to pay the Living Wage, invest in developing their workforce and deliver social value through supply chains. The Charter has a tiered approach to help support and encourage employers to share excellent practice, access support to progress to higher standards, and help them become more successful as a result.