Devolution failing under ‘austerity cosh’
Devolution deals with councils are being squeezed by ‘narrow negotiations’ with Whitehall that were ‘stacked in favour of the status quo’, a new report has claimed.
Devolution deals with councils are being squeezed by ‘narrow negotiations’ with Whitehall that were ‘stacked in favour of the status quo’, a new report has claimed.
Theresa May must rethink devolution to stop post-Brexit Britons feeling even more abandoned by the Government, report finds.
Leeds City Council leader Judith Blake has called for a fresh push to end Yorkshire’s devolution deadlock in the wake of the vote to leave the European Union.
Downtown Manchester in Business recently hosted a special post referendum event at Alberts Square Chop House on Wednesday. The event entitled ‘Re:Brexit?’ discussed Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.
Crowdfunding isn’t the only way to get projects off the ground. There are other ways to encourage investment. With government grants disappearing and banks more reluctant to fund small businesses, local communities are seeking new ways to find investment.
Local authority becomes first in England to take control of its health and social care budget, but there is widespread uncertainty.
More devolution of powers and budgets from Whitehall offers councils the chance to tackle poverty and inequality by ‘doing things differently’.
A think-tank has urged councils to use new devolved powers from Westminster to help tackle poverty and inequality.
How Preston City Council is managing its finances has won praise from Labour’s shadow chancellor. John McDonnell MP said initiatives being run by the city council to drive up local spending and working with the local Chamber of Commerce were a ‘new economics’.
The Centre for Local Economic Strategies is a think tank that says it not just thinks, but does. PSE went to meet its chief executive of 12 years, Neil McInroy.