2011 - 2012
2010 - 2011
New research published by CLES explores the economic, social and environmental benefits of procurement....
Grants are vital to ensuring that the VCS preserves its role in civil society...
This CLES briefing explores the impact on deprived communities by one of Labour’s biggest area based initiatives – the New Dea...
This handbook aims to explain and demystify the world of evaluation.The guide is designed primarily for those people who are invol...
The UK government spends some £220 billion each year procuring goods and services from external organisations in the public, priv...
Following the Chancellor’s presentation of his Pre-Budget Report on 9th December CLES has prepared a briefing note on the statem...
This is the second in a series of briefing papers that aim to help practitioners in the field of economic development and regenera...
The end of the summer recess of Parliament and the start of the party conference season makes September an opportune time to refle...
This report contains the findings of a study tour in October to December 2008 supported by the Norfolk Charitable Trust. The aim w...
CLES is looking for Local Authorities in which to pilot its research work...
Britain is currently in the grips of a recession, with increases in unemployment levels, business insolvency rates and repossessio...
The five minute summary version of our new report - grab a coffee and get the gist. 1/12....
In this publication we unpick existing approaches, to provide a typology of approaches to worklessness. This serves to create a pa...
2009 - 2010
This briefing sets out the key themes to emerge from the Government's recently published White Paper, 'New Opportunities - Fair Ch...
This briefing firstly, seeks to provide commentary on some of the challenges facing our sector in the current economic climate and...
The joint report by CLES and the Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) ‘Creating resilient local economies: exploring ...
This book provides an introduction to the reader to a whole range of research methods. It aims to introduce a toolkit of methods, ...
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