
Bang for our buck

How investing in local public services is foundational for growth

Investing properly in local public services is prerequisite for delivering economic growth to places across the UK and in ensuring that the impact of that growth is meaningful. That was the argument of Kickstarting economic growth: maximising the contribution of local council services, a paper that we collaborated on last year, with APSE and the University of Staffordshire.

Our local governments enable local growth directly – through activities to support economic development, regeneration, investment, skills provision and more – and indirectly – by improving how attractive their places are to investors and talent, and by supporting a healthy, mobile workforce through the provision of services like care and transport. The value this creates was no doubt considered in the recently announced Final Settlements for local government.

How do we level up the UK?

Focus on quality jobs that work for people

This article originally appeared in the New Statesman.

Attracting the inward investment of big capital doesn’t always lead to better outcomes. People need well-paid, good-quality jobs in the communities where they live.

Regardless of your views on levelling up as a political catchphrase, there’s no doubt it hints at a remedy for feelings of place abandonment that have become all too common over the past 30 years as communities across the UK have seen their jobs, identity and hope slowly sucked away.

Local elections 2021: Ideas for new administrations

This article originally appeared in The MJ.

Economic recovery from COVID-19 will be a long and painful process. When the pandemic struck, we at CLES argued for a new common-sense approach to economic development based on the principles of community wealth building.

From this emerged our plea for local government to muscle-up and embrace a series of key interventions to lead the charge to build back better. In our Own the future publication, we fleshed out a number of practical actions, which taken together, constitute an achievable vision for a just recovery and the social, democratic and economic reform of localities, led by local authorities.


    Skills policy that works for all

    23rd June 2016
    This paper builds on The Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) knowledge and experience of working in different areas of the...

    How places could and should respond to the Chancellor's Budget

    16th March 2016
    This CLES Bulletin details CLES’ thoughts on the 2016 Budget....

    Implications of the Queen’s speech 2015

    4th June 2015
    This bulletin will discuss the implications of the Conservative proposals outlined in the Queen’s speech and general election ma...

    Creating a good local economy: the role of anchor institutions

    22nd April 2015
    Anchor institutions are crucial to the functioning of our local economies. They bring wealth in the form of jobs and supply chains...

    Budget 2015

    30th March 2015
    This CLES bulletin does three things. First, it details announcements in the 2015 budget which relate to economic development and ...

    Developing Resilient Town Centres

    12th February 2015
    What makes a resilient town centre? This paper, aimed at people working to support their high street, town or city centre, provide...

    Living wage and the role of local government

    3rd November 2014
    Developed by CLES in collaboration with the Greater Manchester Living Wage campaign this think piece identifies a number of key ro...
  • CLES 10

    Better quality jobs

    31st January 2014
    The Government’s welfare reform seeks to make work pay by moving more people into paid employment. Whilst important, this much c...