CLES Manifesto for Local Economies charts a more socially just future

The Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) is today launching a manifesto setting out how to create local economies that serve all sections of society.
Britain is in a significant moment of constitutional, social, economic, environmental and cultural change. As such we need policy responses which are equal to it.
Present local economic policy is falling woefully short. It is still too often assumed that wealth will inevitably trickle down to local economies, communities and people.
This assumption is not, on the whole, borne out by reality. The economic recovery is geographically and socially skewed, with a growth in inequality, poverty and polarisation and with a divide between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’.
Local government services and funding are in crisis and we have continuing problems around access to good quality employment, ill-health, with a failure to tackle environmental change.
The CLES Manifesto for local economies covers a range of policy ideas – backed by evidence generated by CLES and its partners – that are designed to advance a local economy for all.
The full manifesto can be read here:
CLES Manifesto for local economies 2015
Read our 9 point plan of action: