
Post-Brexit we need to build an economy for the many

Framed by austerity, the economic reality behind many voters choosing Brexit was a future of little promise – insecure jobs, insecure public provision, insecure futures. As a result, many leave voters felt that they had little or nothing to lose. On the back of an economic recession eight years ago, insecurity and a social recession has been built.

The EU referendum has shone a light on the failure of the treasury’s local economic and devolution model. The ‘devolution revolution’ may have beguiled some, but it has passed many by. The promised ‘northern powerhouse’ was a canny brand which few saw any tangible outcome from. Indeed, I know of many economic development practitioners who felt that austerity framed devolution and its bullish treasury-backed city agglomeration ‘growth at all costs’ approach was flawed. However, they rightly got on with it, longing for it to be just a start, and something to grapple, amend and make progressive.


    The Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill

    8th September 2015
    This CLES bulletin does three things. Firstly it summarises the content of the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill; second...
  • CLES 10

    Devolution: A Historical and Global context

    8th September 2015
    It is imperative that new governance structures actively accommodate the voices of citizens and the social economy; yet, it is onl...

    Implications of the Queen’s speech 2015

    4th June 2015
    This bulletin will discuss the implications of the Conservative proposals outlined in the Queen’s speech and general election ma...
  • NHS devolution: the route to tackling health inequality?

    The announcement that the £6bn NHS budget in Greater Manchester will be devolved to the city region has taken many by surprise. The government has already devolved £2bn of spending to the city region. This proposal (the details of which still need to be worked up) is worth three times that amount, devolving nationally controlled structures such as hospitals and GPs to merge with local support and community care services. Greater Manchester will create a new ‘health and wellbeing’ commission to control the flow of money across the system, and to create links between primary and community and residential care.


    The Local Double Dividend

    2nd February 2015
    This CLES research report argues the flawed economic thinking and a Treasury economic model that has left so many parts of the UK ...