2012 - 2013
This paper seeks to vent a sense that overly focusing on a north south divide might be hindering progressive thinking on inequalit...
Economic development, regeneration and local governance, has seen significant changes in the way in which policy, strategy and de...
2011 - 2012
This bulletin seeks to critique the Autumn Statement 2011 and highlight how members of CLES should respond. ...
In this Bulletin, CLES set out the main ways in which private sector engagement in growth and development can increase, and propos...
This Bulletin takes a look at some of the challenges and potential solutions which different places have used to deliver sources o...
This Bulletin takes a look at some of the challenges and potential solutions which places have used to deliver new sources of fina...
This bulletin will outline the key points of the reforms, followed by a discussion regarding potential impacts on local communitie...
This bulletin assesses the key elements of the social mobility and child poverty strategies and explores some of the issues behind...
This bulletin provides an overview of the key economic development related policies in the 2011 Budget and identifies and comments...
This Bulletin examines the core elements of the Coalition’s proposals for tackling the Welfare Reform agenda through the Welfare...
2010 - 2011
CLES' analysis of the recently announced Localism Bill....
This Bulletin explores how we do local economic development in a cold economic climate through examining a number of levers....
This Bulletin explains the process and outlines CLES's findings so far about the challenges facing LEPs.
This Bulletin presents a checklist of key questions which might be useful for your burgeoning LEP to consider....
This Bulletin identifies a number of key messages on why LEA is important and how local authorities can respond positively to the ...
This Bulletin examines the public sector spending cuts announced in the first month of the Coalition Government and in the budget ...
This special Bulletin provides CLES' early analysis of the Coalition Government's Budget on 22nd June. It also provides a summary ...
This Bulletin attempts to shed light on some of the early messages coming from the new Coalition and the implications for economic...
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